In line with our values and corporate culture, Oliva Torras Grup maintains a firm commitment to:
• Professional development, training, recognition and induction of all the people who make up the company, in a climate of transparency and participation, and taking into account their diversity and the personal and family dimension.
• The establishment of relationships with trade unions, partners, suppliers and customers based on ethics, honesty, integrity, respect and the pursuit of mutual benefit.
• Contributions to campaigns and foundations aimed at medical research and disease control.
• Cooperation with organisations and bodies dedicated to the care of people with some type of disability, in a situation of poverty, vulnerability or social exclusion.
• Collaboration with universities to improve training, integrate students into the world of work, support innovative projects and create training centres.
• Involvement and cooperation with institutions, government bodies and trade associations aimed at economic development, improvement of infrastructure and equipment in the region, and the competitiveness and internationalisation of industry.
• Support for foundations and associations linked to the preservation and promotion of the cultural and natural heritage of the region and the promotion of sport.